Provence market
Provence Market throughout the year
Truffle, a winter Provence terroir product
Typical of Provençal tradition, these regional markets will be a highlight of your stay. Dating back to the Middle Ages, their primary purpose was to simplify the supply of goods to villages and towns and to keep people up to date with the latest news!
Nature in Provence
Dentelles de Montmirail and mont Ventoux
Almond trees in bloom in winter
Between the Alps and the Mediterranean coast, this part of Provence is relatively unspoilt, steeped in history, vineyards, olive groves and oak and pine forests. This is the Provence of the Vaucluse, a Provence carved out of the mountains and hills – the Mont Ventoux, the Dentelles de Montmirail, the Monts de Vaucluse and the Monts du Luberon - which at the same time offers immense plains and verdant hills where illustrious vineyards flourish.
Gastronomy in Provence
Truffle omelette
An exceptional terroir
A rich, flavoursome cuisine based on olive oil, garlic and aromatic herbs. It is characterised by the abundant use of vegetables, skilfully combined to compensate for the lack of meat, a luxury that was too expensive in the poor Provence of yesteryear. Many restaurants, including some with Michelin stars, are revisiting these dishes. What an art!
Culture in Provence
Avignon, city of the popes
Orange, roman city
Héritage romain à Vaison-la-Romaine, Orange ou Arles; villages typiques tels que Séguret, Le Crestet; architecture religieuse à Avignon avec son Palais des Papes, à l’abbaye de Sénanque, ou bien, art contemporain à Marseille et Aix-en-Provence … et bien d’autres trésors; la Provence réserve des expériences variées et enrichissantes.